The only time when the choice of tools matters is when working with a team, as they guarantee harmony and efficiency within the team. Additionally, if one tool dominates the market, like Figma is starting to, it may be beneficial to know it, even if you prefer others for personal use.
If you work on your own, pick the tool that works best for you. If you work in a team, pick the tool that works best for the team.
Otherwise, the only important thing is that the tool works. Every tool has its upsides and downsides, but most of them are similar and differ mostly in workflow. The most important thing is that you can accomplish your work with the tool.
If you work on your own, pick the tool that works best for you. If you work in a team, pick the tool that works best for the team.
Above all, do not let your productivity, dreams, or aspirations as a designer be influenced by the software you use. They are only a tiny part of your job. Use paper and pen, voice notes, cut things out of magazines, take photos, use notes, spreadsheets, journals. Use anything you wish. Use your tools, but do not let them use you.